I am in a bad situation and i need help maybe a KY advocate. Do you guys happen to give people in the local area hotel vouchers?
I am in a bad situation and i need help maybe an advocate. Do you guys happen to give people in the local area hotel vouchers? I am going to be homeless by tomorrow.. I am newer to the are. i have applied for everything, from public housing, section 8, food stamp, family assistance disability. That was almost 1.5 months ago. I haven’t heard from anywhere except from Medicaid. I’m epileptic and cant be on the streets. I’m in a motel the tonight but am out of $ and have pawn off most of my things. Is there anything you can help me with.
A) I’m sorry to hear about your situation. I’m not a KY advocate, but I can try to help you find some resources that might be able to assist you. Here are some options that I found from searching the web.
Here are some organizations in Kentucky that provide hotel vouchers to homeless people:
Motel Voucher Program – This program can help you with shelter in a nearby motel for up to 3 days, depending on your situation. You need to have a family income at or below 30% of County Median Income. You can fill out an intake form here: https://www.newcap.org/newcap_programs/state-shelter-subsidy-grant-program/
DVHTAC Hotel Vouchering Guidance – This is a document that provides guidance for using hotels to meet survivors’ immediate safety and housing needs, especially during the COVID-19 crisis. It also has some tips on how to find and work with hotels, how to support survivors in hotels, and how to access funding for hotel stays. You can read it here: https://safehousingpartnerships.org/sites/default/files/2020-05/Hotel-Guidance.pdf
Homeless and Housing Coalition of Kentucky – This is an organization that offers permanent supportive housing vouchers for chronically homeless individuals and families within 118 counties in Kentucky (all except Fayette and Jefferson). Eligibility and priority are determined only through the Coordinated Entry process. You can learn more about their housing programs here: https://www.hhck.org/housing-program
Coalition for the Homeless in Louisville: 502-637-2337 https://louhomeless.org/: https://louhomeless.org/
Homeless and Housing Coalition of Kentucky (HHCK): 502-223-1834 https://www.hhck.org/: https://www.hhck.org/
Catholic Charities of Louisville : 502-636-3300 https://www.cclou.org/: https://www.cclou.org/
You can also contact your local 211 service to get information about resources in your area. 211 is a free and confidential service that can connect you with a variety of services, including homeless shelters, food banks, and job training programs.
Here is the contact information for 211 in Kentucky:
Statewide: 1-800-852-4211
Louisville: 502-584-2111
I hope this information is helpful. Please let me know if you have any other questions.