How can I get Medicaid?

You may be eligible for benefits through Medicaid.  Medicaid programs vary by state, so you will need to check with your state Medicaid office for more information.

  • Eligibility: People with disabilities are eligible in every state.  In some states, people with disabilities qualify automatically if they get Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits. In other states you may qualify depending on your income and resources (financial assets).
  • “Buy-Ins”: Some states also have “buy-in” programs that allow people with disabilities with incomes above regular Medicaid limits to enroll in the Medicaid program. Children with disabilities can qualify for Medicaid either under these disability-related rules, or based on family income.
  • Expansion in 2014. Starting in 2014, the Affordable Care Act will expand the Medicaid program to cover people under age 65, including people with disabilities, with income of about $15,000 for a single individual (higher incomes for couples and families with children).
  • Help for disabled people: This expansion helps low-income adults who have disabilities but don’t meet the disability requirements of the SSI program.  The expansion also helps those whose income is above their state’s current eligibility levels.

Basic Health Program

Individuals are eligible for Basic Health Program coverage if they:
• Are state residents and either a citizen, or a lawfully present non-citizen;
• Have household income (Modified Adjusted Gross Income/MAGI) between 133 and 200 percent of the federal poverty level (FPL) or, in the case of individuals who are lawfully present non-citizens, are ineligible for Medicaid due to such non-citizen status, and have household income that does not exceed 200 percent of the FPL;
• Are 64 years of age or younger; 
• Are not otherwise eligible for minimum essential coverage, including through Medicaid, CHIP or affordable employer sponsored insurance; and 
• Are not incarcerated, other than during a period pending disposition of charges.  


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