Can I have Medicare part b added at a local social security office?
A) Yes, you can add Medicare Part B at a local Social Security office. You can also add it online or by phone. Here are the steps on how to add Medicare Part B at a local Social Security office:
- Go to your local Social Security office.
- Bring your Medicare card and proof of identity with you.
- Tell the representative that you want to add Medicare Part B.
- The representative will help you fill out the paperwork and enroll in Medicare Part B.
You can also add Medicare Part B online or by phone. Here are the steps on how to add Medicare Part B online:
- Go to the Medicare website.
- Click on the “Sign Up for Medicare” button.
- Follow the instructions on the website to enroll in Medicare Part B.
Here are the steps on how to add Medicare Part B by phone:
- Call the Medicare number: 1-800-772-1213.
- Tell the representative that you want to add Medicare Part B.
- The representative will help you enroll in Medicare Part B.
Here are some things to keep in mind when adding Medicare Part B:
You can apply for Medicare Part B at a local Social Security office. In fact, if you are already receiving Social Security benefits, you will automatically be enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B when you turn 65, unless you opt out of Part B.
If you are not yet receiving Social Security benefits and would like to enroll in Medicare Part B, you can do so by visiting your local Social Security office, calling Social Security at 1-800-772-1213, or by applying online at the Social Security website.
It’s important to note that there may be penalties for enrolling in Part B late, so if you are eligible and want to enroll, it’s best to do so during your Initial Enrollment Period (IEP). Your IEP is a seven-month period that begins three months before the month you turn 65, includes the month you turn 65, and ends three months after the month you turn 65.