Does Medicaid provide transportation for clients

A) Yes, Medicaid may provide transportation for clients who have no other means of getting to their medical appointments or other covered Medicaid services 1. Each state has its own rules and procedures for providing non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) services, but in general, this benefit is available to eligible Medicaid recipients who have a medical need for transportation.

NEMT services may include rides to and from doctor’s appointments, dental appointments, and other covered services, and may be provided through a variety of transportation options, including public transportation, taxis, or a specially equipped vehicle, depending on the individual’s needs.

If you or someone you know is enrolled in Medicaid and needs assistance with transportation to medical appointments, you can contact your local Medicaid office or visit your state’s Medicaid website to learn more about the NEMT services available in your area.

I hope this information is helpful.

NOTE: Most States Medicaid provide qualifying transportation services for their clients at no cost. Your state Medicaid program usually provide Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) services which are defined as medically necessary, cost-effective transportation for any eligible Medicaid member (and escort, if required) with no other means of transportation available to any Medicaid-reimbursable service to receive treatment, medical evaluation, obtain prescription drugs or medical equipment. NEMT is usually a ride-share program and multiple members may be riding in the same vehicle.