Every phone number that is listed online for the Louisville KY Medicaid building is bogus.

Q) Every phone number that is listed online for the Louisville KY Medicaid building is bogus. One of them ALWAYS 24/7 HAS A BUSY SIGNAL. and the other one is a wrong number it literally doesn’t even ring or go to anything. So how exactly do you call these people at the Louisville KY Medicaid building!? Very frustrating I have been waiting on my food stamp card since December of 2022 it has a balance of $1301.33 that I have no access to and literally their is nothing in my refrigerator I have 2 kids and I’m pregnant I need HELP ASAP!

A) I’m sorry to hear that you are having trouble reaching the Louisville KY Medicaid building. According to the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services, you can call the Department for Community Based Services offices at (855) 306-8959. They are open from Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Eastern time, and their call service lines are open to assist clients with Medicaid, SNAP and other public assistance benefits on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

I hope this helps. If you are still not successfull suggest a few other things that might help:

  1. Double-check the phone numbers: It’s possible that the phone numbers you’ve been using are incorrect or outdated. Try searching online for different variations of the office’s phone number, or check with a local directory assistance service to see if they have a different number.
  2. Visit the office in person: If possible, try visiting the Medicaid office in person. You may be able to get more help or information by speaking directly with someone at the office.
  3. Contact a local advocacy group: There may be local advocacy groups or community organizations that can assist you in getting in touch with the Medicaid office or accessing resources. Try searching online for organizations in your area that focus on food insecurity or healthcare access.
  4. Contact your state representative: You may be able to get more information or assistance by contacting your state representative or senator. They may be able to help you navigate the Medicaid system or connect you with resources in your area.

I hope this information is helpful, and I wish you the best in getting the assistance you need.